What I See

by mike ernst   Feb 1, 2012

The one that I call mine, for which my eyes can see no other
Her given name is Denise, I just call her babe, our children call her mother

Me, I've changed a bit over the years
Gained some worry lines and some gray
And I wasted precious time for us to spend together
It breaks my heart to say

She's strong, though she fears time,she fears time on her own
And I understand this, because while we've been together, she spent so much alone

She worries time is chasing her, trying to steal her looks and youth
But I tell you after all these years,she's never looked more beautiful to me
And that's the simple truth

And I know things will be, just what they will be
But I wish she could see herself through my eyes
Then she would see, just what I see

m. ernst 2012


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