Poems About Lasting Love

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  • My branch

    by Mo1zy


  • Watercolor (haiku) 1 WIN

    by James Rockwell

    Her dark crystal hair
    Stands out on the limpid sea...

  • Lovesick 1 WIN

    by Lilychu

    The ceiling hangs low and the world starts to...
    If I hold my breath now I won't feel a thing...

  • When Night Falls

    by Cantchangeme

    You can fall asleep on my knees
    And I’ll still think your brave...

  • Love 4 WIN

    by Tim

    Through days of sun and nights of rain,
    Our hearts have danced in joy and pain...

  • The Smile 1

    by ddavidd

    Just in the moment you smile

  • All the small things...
    All the little...

  • There was a little puppy
    named Asskan...

  • One Another's Eyes 1

    by BOB GALLO

    I am a migrant bird
    of your beauty...

  • And I love you, Claire

    by Mark Hopwood

    When I wake and open my eyes,
    It's you I see and I smile...

  • The longest day

    by Mark Hopwood

    The longest day,
    Is when we fall out or disagree...

  • And I see me

    by Mark Hopwood

    I look in the mirror,
    And I see me...