Anything at all?

by Me   Oct 3, 2007

I need friends for comfort
To get me through
Best friends are even better
And so were you.

I thought that it was like wise
You're one of my best friends
One who meant so much to me
Who i thought would be there till the end.

I guess I was wrong
I'm not one of yours
i don't know what I am to you
Not anymore.

Deleting you off myspace
Has to be the most immature thing
Considering you did nothing wrong
Guess i just wasn't thinking.

This isn't a jealousy thing
I've never been against other friends than me
That's just really pathetic
And actually kind of creepy.

It is just a thing of hurt
And a fear that has come true
Which isn't your fault
So I shouldn't have taken it out on you.

I knew how close you and Ashleigh were
So I didn't get in the way
As I said I don't do that kind of thing
And I knew my place was where I was to stay.

Then you guys began to fight
And it's not like I was happy your friendship fell
I was sad for you, so supportive
And even after the way she treated you, for your sake, wanted you back together as well.

But when she was treating you so badly
Not only me, but I was always there
To try and make you happy, be supportive, as you've done me
And to show you I truly care

So stupidly, I thought after all that
Perhaps we were best friends
Then I had the thought perhaps not
Yet you assured me you're here till the end.

And so after all this crap
Ashleigh is instantly once again, the bestest friend
No its not jealousy, I'm glad you're happy
It's just Nicola getting hurt again.

I was there to pick up the pieces she broke
I was there to catch your fall
Yet somehow all that is forgotten.
Tell me, did that or even do i mean anything at all?


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