Popular Friendship Poems

Latest Friendship Poems

  • Such tiny fingers
    Can barely hold a bottle...

  • Twilight 2 WIN

    by Synful

    Warm nights bring soft breezes
    As I stare out a darkened window...

  • Untill the end

    by shadows of saber

    Warmth hiding under a sea of blankets
    As the chill air engulfs the night air...

Friendship Quotes

  • In this day and time there is no such thing as a fcking best friend anymore!

  • I don't regret my past. I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people.

  • "You will lose people in your life. Sometimes even the ones that you least expected. But you can't control it... you have to just look over it and realize what you do still have"

    ~Jacob Queen

    by Jake