Poems by Helena Jaster

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  • The end of the dock,
    a darkness tangible...

  • An old bedside table
    Wood-pulp and leather...

  • I won't be angry at you,
    but do not assume that you got away clean...

  • The sky burst into action,
    as cold droplets plummet towards the earth...

  • Semi cooled ash dances along the ground,
    a lingering heat restlessly calling from a nights...

  • Rose petals,
    the color of blood and brown mustard...

  • I woke up to the same feeling of sickness that I...
    It has been this way for weeks now, mornings of...

  • I sit alone on my porch conserving energy like the...
    The cigarette burns low, warming my face while my...

  • Enjoy the little celebrations
    I saw that once on a cozy for a cup of coffee...

  • The wiper blades move in rhythmic motion across...
    The air is hot and sticky inside this car, the...

  • Drifting out of the feelings of my heart
    And pursuing the mechanization of the mind...

  • The willow bows low along the water
    Its frozen limbs and brazen disposition...