Quotes by Robert Gardiner

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  • Love, is a rose of many thorns and sometimes those thorns cut us and cut us, deep, but always, it seems, when we are cut by these thorns of love, those that, truly, love us are, always, there, to lick our wounds.

    19 years ago
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  • Greatness seeks to climb the mountain, while most others, just simply, stand in awe of it - marveling at its size, some cowering, trembling – in its presence and at the thought of its stature!!!

    18 years ago
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  • The number one Key to writing good poetry is how it is constructed, structured, and how that structure lends itself to the appeal of a poem when being read!!!

    18 years ago
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  • Poetry is an artful and eloquent expression of thought, ideas, ideals, and emotion!!!

    18 years ago
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  • The Greatness of a man is measured by what he does and not what we can do, and that's where most of us fall short. We talk about what we can do, might do, whilst doing nothing!!!

    18 years ago
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  • A poet is only as good as he and/or she expresses him or herself, only as good as what it is they say and how well they say it… It's not so much what you express, but how (or how well) you express it!!!

    17 years ago
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  • Intellect, Personality, Good Heart, Depth of Soul, these are things you want a perspective mate to have, but Looks, still, do matter!!! Physical Attraction weighs heavily, as a factor!!! Shallow, although it may seem, it is the Nature of Attraction!!!

    17 years ago
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  • One can only be as good as the truths within his or her heart or soul and one can not change, better, oneself without knowing ones own truth.

    11 years ago
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  • Every Poet Needs A Muse, Every Artist A Subject.
    With Magic, Wonder, Rapture, Inspiration, Our Artistry, Injects...

    10 years ago
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