Robert Gardiner

About Robert Gardiner

I am a Poet, a Lover, a Romantic and Philosopher, who is in love with love and woman, all so beautiful. I was born under the sign of love, beauty (Libra), and my love of those things and my love for wooing and winning the hearts of fetching females drive my poetry. I love women and seek to extol, exalt them through my poetry. I am also in love with poetry itself, for its eloquent beauty, when well written and done right. I write poetry to express the love that fills me, to express my sensual passions, and to express my deep love, appreciation, admiration, adoration for women. I write to express love, adoration, admiration, desire, for those who might feel it and can't so eloquently do so. I write poetry, because the creation of artful beauty is its own reward, simply, because I like girls, and girls like poetry!!! My goal is to write charming, stylish, scintillating, swoon worthy, romantic pieces and sumptuous, sensual, stimulating, seductive, and sexy, erotic ones. I want to stir you (women especially) in and through my poetry!!! {A Word about Women} A Beautiful woman should be Love and Cherished, Appreciated and Adored. She should be Adorned and Showered with Affection. She should be treated with Honor, Respect, and Adoration, but she must remember to first Respect and Honor herself, if she truly wants to be Honored and Respected. Allow her the freedom to grow, to blossom, emotionally, mentally, and both spiritually and sexually, into all of her womanhood and into the Wonderful Woman that she can be. When making love to her, it should be with a Soft, Sensual touch. You should, always, take your time, unless, otherwise, directed, but no matter what, always, make sure you leave her WELL PLEASED, SATISFIED!!! In all aspect of life and love, give your best to her and you will get the best from her!!!

Profile of Robert Gardiner

  • Age : 99
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Massachusetts
  • Joined : Aug 5, 2004
  • Last Visit : 2 days ago
  • Poems : 270
  • Comments : 1212
  • Quotes : 9
  • Posts : 679
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Robert Gardiner

Latest Quotes By Robert Gardiner

  • Every Poet Needs A Muse, Every Artist A Subject.
    With Magic, Wonder, Rapture, Inspiration, Our Artistry, Injects...

    11 years ago
    2 0
  • One can only be as good as the truths within his or her heart or soul and one can not change, better, oneself without knowing ones own truth.

    12 years ago
    2 0
  • Intellect, Personality, Good Heart, Depth of Soul, these are things you want a perspective mate to have, but Looks, still, do matter!!! Physical Attraction weighs heavily, as a factor!!! Shallow, although it may seem, it is the Nature of Attraction!!!

    18 years ago
    1 0

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