Do You wish you were paid for your work

  • Robert
    19 years ago

    I think I got a plan to pull together and all of us work together to not only better the world as a whole but to launch an agressive book or series of books that would not only pay us buyt get our names out there. If your tired of sending in and waiting for a response, hoping for one let me no. No jokes no hidden agenda just want a few writers to work with. So if you think your good enough e-mail and we will talk

  • Austin
    19 years ago

    You've sparked my curiosity I actually do want to write my own book but ig uess senging one or two poems to a bigger project woulod be good aswell

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Hello Robert,
    I am VERY interested. Please check out some of my work and let me know if you want to work with me on this, I would love to be involved. My e-mail is

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    OK. I am sorry to have to say this but WHAT IS IT WITH THE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE BEING OBSESSED WITH ENGLISH AND GRAMMER? EVER HEARD OF POETIC LICENSE PEOPLE? Yes, I understand.... he was not posting a poem, but the fact is that the way people write and talk is how they project themselves and reflects the type of person that they are, for instance JustPlainMe is probably incredibly anal and detail oriented. ENGLISH AND GRAMMER do NOT define good poetry, nor define good and intellectual people. This is likely a pet peeve of yours, however "jumping all over someone’s ass" about it only makes YOU look bad, not them. I personally don’t care that a word was misspelled, that wasn’t the point of the post. I am not just directing this at you, but I see it on this site ALL THE DAMN TIME, so I am lashing out at all grammar and spelling freaks everywhere! Lighten up!!!!
    "Don’t focus on the tree so much that you lose sight of the forest."

    And by the way you missed a COMMA.

    "You wrote and I quote," requires a comma between "You wrote," and "I quote." :)

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    And FYI there are independent publishing companies that will publish anything that you pay for them to publish, plus if you get good writers with talent it wouldn’t be hard to shop the book around.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    "Kaitlin" is a name, therefor it is capitalized, but its not like im hung up on it or anything ;)

    Did I ever claim to be anyone? No, I absolutely did not. I am more than entitled to my opinion, as are you. And if you pay ANYONE THEY WILL DO ANYTHING, that’s nothing new. Publishers, editors, all the same.... that’s just capitalism. Thanks for welcoming me to America....

    Do I think people would take me seriously? Well it really depends on what I'm trying to accomplish, plus if I were trying to do something professional and not post on some web forum, I would care more about my grammar and spelling, however I am not doing anything professional and you know nothing about me, my accomplishments, how I present myself in a professional setting or how I present myself in person.

    On the other hand independent publishing companies let you move your own product and you can charge as much as you want for the book, so if people will buy it you can pay your publisher, of course your paying them in advance and you have to start small, but at least its ambition. You pay say.... 7 dollars for every paper back book you get and then you turn around and sell it for 17$. Well that’s how you start turning profit and when you get more popular or when you decide to move to the next level you can up your price or find a bigger publishing company and get it in stores on a wider scale.

    However you have to start somewhere.

    Another thing, Langston Hughes started out as no one at some point too. You BECOME great, you aren’t born great.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Plus you have to take popularity and overall marketability into consideration. You have the talent, the writer, who does the work, and then you have the editors who correct it to the poets’ standards. We are not writing essays here, we are writing poetry. Art with the written word, we can paint whatever "pictures," and "mold" emotions and thoughts using whatever language we like, and anal people get to deal with it. If it is possible they can even look past it and see the message in the poetry.

    You can teach anyone grammar and large words, you cannot however TEACH TALENT. You have it or you don’t. I don’t always spell correctly and I don’t always have 100% correct grammar, however people read my work, they like it, and its popular. I have a gold favorites award and a rating of 4.7. I’m not worried about the marketing appeal of my work, and in a few years I do hope to get published. I probably will, and some day I may BECOME GREAT. But I never claimed to be now; I'm still learning and adapting my style.

    So while some poets are so busy trying to be deep, philosophical, and grammatically correct, others are actually being read.

    Poetry is an art, therefor there arent set standards or guidelines. You stand for your opinion only, I stand for only mine. We happen to disagree, and thats alright, however both of us have validity.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Bob just beautifully described my stance.

    Of course you can be grammatically correct, etc. and still be widely read, but the point is that it is not a reqiurement and it does not alone define a good poet or good poetry (whether your a famous poet with that style or not).

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I agree 100%. If it is done purposefully then it obviously is intentional and should add to the poem, not take the focus away from the meaning.

    Mistakes that are.... well.... mistakes, that only distracts the reader who either tries to find out why they did it that way (and to see if they did it intentionally) or just gets is unable to focus on the rest of the poem's message.

    Everything has its place, and I do understand what you meant by the Langston Hughes example. If you have something to prove or convey from your improper English, or whatever language you speak, then you should, of course, feel free to exercise your poetic license and use it.

    Glad that we found middle ground. I agree with you.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Also correct English can be a good way to show intelligence, and it is the only way that you can be judged on paper, so it is important to convey yourself the way that you intend.

    However, I am a terrible speller for instance. I cannot write hardly anything on paper unless I have a computer or a dictionary near me because I am so bad. This does not reflect poorly on my intelligence necessarily, English has always been my best subject and I love to write poetry and philosophy. Spelling is a weakness that I have; however my mind is not weak or unintelligent. It just means that I need to pay extra attention to how I spell, and of course, if I want to come off professionally to someone I need to correct all of my work.

    So I agree with you. I believe that we misunderstood each others' positions, because I believe ultimately we are saying the same thing.

    Writing should show intelligence, not ignorance, and if you have an intelligent way of using bad grammar and spelling then do so, but if it is unintentional then it just reflects poorly on the writer.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago


    *By the way I would like to just take a moment to suggest that if this topic is of interest, intelligence, that they check out my poem by the same name. Its featured on my profile. Sorry but I had to take a moment for self advertisement lol. I hate when others do that but it is relevent, so I dont feel too bad about it ;)

  • ♥•oOo Nikki oOo•♥©
    19 years ago

    Thats Such a Awesome Idea I Guess This Would Be a Poetic Version Of Chicken Soup For The Soul I Would Love To Be Apart Of This Project However i Think I Need More Work On My Poetic Skills xoxo-Nikki-xoxo