The Offtake Romantic Challenge!!!

  • Robert Gardiner
    14 years ago

    This is a wtiting exerise challenge, in which you are being asked to takeoff, use, a famous romantic poets poem to create your own. You can takeoff the title/concept - write a poem with the same title, using the same basic concept - or take off the first few lines -- where you start with the first two to four or so lines of their poem and ad your own to create a completely new poem. I will provide you with some poets and poems to work from. Also, I will post and example from and offtake I recently took of Keats. You must provide reference of famous poet and poem which you offtook.

    Here are some poets and poems to work from:

    A Thing Of Beauty - John Keats

    Ode to Psyche - John Keats

    Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats

    Ode To Beauty ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Sonnets from the Portuguese 43: "How Do I Love Thee" -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

    She Walks In Beauty - Lord Byron

    Love's Philosophy - Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Shall I Compare Thee ~ Sonnet XVIII
    - by William Shakespeare

    My Mistress� Eyes ~ Sonnet CXXX
    - by William Shakespeare

    Give all to love ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Sonnet: In every dream thy lovely features rise
    ~ William Barnes

    Ode To A Naked Beauty - Pablo Neruda

    Love Sonnet XXVII - Pablo Neruda

    THE KISS - Sara Teasdale


    Some other suggested authors are;

    W.B. Yeats
    John Donne
    Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    Robert Burns
    William Wordsworth
    William Blake
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  • Robert Gardiner
    14 years ago

    Here's my example:

    "The Joy of Beauty"
    (A takeoff of John Keats "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever")

    "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
    Its loveliness increases; it will never
    Pass into nothingness; but still will keep"
    Enthralling us, in wonder, making our heart's leap.
    Such Rapture, it is, to behold.
    By you, Beauty, I'm, intensely, Extolled!!!

    Beauty, dear Beauty, such Splendor, you impart, upon me.
    Enchanted, I am, by your Incredible, Ecstasy.
    I'm lost, within, the magic, of you,
    Wholeheartly Hunted, by your Heavenly Hue.
    Awestruck, Amazed, every time, you leave me.
    Beauty, oh Beauty, I'm Enraptured, by thee,
    Spellbound, I am, to an infinite degree,
    Enamored, with you, with the highest Affinity.
    Nothing comes close, to your Rousing, Rhapsody.
    In love, with you, so, I am.
    By every part, of you, left, in wonderment.
    Exhilarating, your very sight.
    By you, Beauty, I'm Captured, every time...

    Here's, to you Beauty, in all of your Resplendence,
    To the Grandeur, of you, in all its abundance.
    Spelled, I am, by you, time, after time, after time.
    Scintillating, Splendiferous is your Pleasure, Divine.
    Sublime Euphoria, you induce.
    Nothing matches, this Utopia, by you, produce.
    Alluring, your each and every part.
    You Thrill, My Soul and Capture, My Heart.
    Transfixed, I am, by the Magic, of you.
    Bewitched, Beguiled, utterly, Wooed
    Your Ocean, of Wonder, may I, always, fall, into...

    Noice: I used the first three lines of Keats' poem then added my own - creating a new poem offtaking the orginal. Notice, also how I blocked off his orginal lines with quotes, so that one would know that those kines where qiuted.

  • Robert Gardiner
    14 years ago

    A very lovely write. Great job Lucas!!!