Easiest way to write a poem

  • Jad
    14 years ago

    I was wondering what is the easiest way for you to write a poem. Do you need perfect quietness. Do you need to be in the mood or whatever the reason may be. I'm just interested in what ways different poets find it easiest to write their poetry.

  • Jad
    13 years ago

    Thank you and I agree that inspiration is needed and I really like using different forms as well. Thanks for sharing. :] I usually can write my poems in any condition though as in loud or no sound. I don't know though if I could write one while listening to music. I can listen to a song and then write one but while listening I would have to try. :]

  • Jad
    13 years ago

    Thank you Mouris. I think that really does sum it up. Writing a poem will come when it comes and if you let it.

  • Donna
    13 years ago

    I write most when i hurt inside .. I cant explain where it comes from but thats when i write .. It can be nosey or when im driving or even in a sleep the words just come and i write them down.. Think its my escape ..

  • bequi
    13 years ago

    I been writing poems, but its been more than a year since i write one. im thinking hard right now on how to start a new one... geeezzz where are the words and feelings now.

    guess getting numb with all the pain

  • Jad
    13 years ago

    Yeah grief can bring emotions to us that allow us to put out poems very easily.

  • iRobbiee
    13 years ago

    For me its usually when im by myself when I write...but I kinda say something to myself and then I start writing

  • iRobbiee
    13 years ago

    For me its usually when im by myself when I write...but I kinda say something to myself and then I start writing .. Its usuallly when im think about something deep or when there's something bothering me

  • Spirit
    13 years ago

    For me it's in the middle of the night or in a dead sleep. That's why I now keep a notebook by my bed. It's so hard to get back to sleep when thoughts are pouring themselves into your head.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    I require silence or music. People talking and other things distract me.
    Hmm... yup, that's about it. Most people would say that writing poetry requires emotional inspiration but I gotta say, half the poems I write are in fits of boredom. I like thinking about things and/or spewing out words how they come to me. Turns out ok half the time :)