• Crimson
    12 years ago

    Ok guys i need guy advice ok tell me what he really means when he says its fine if you cut i understand
    ok i mean like cos when he siad it he would look at me and when i cut all he did was stare and the marks and rubb them which made them itchy so i scratched them and i bleeding and he looked at me was like :O he didnt look at me again that day can you guys (as in men) help me i just cant do this

  • Xionide
    11 years ago

    Sorry this may not be contributing to your question of sorts at hand, but can someone tell me what the big fascination is with self harm cutting, is that the trend with teenagers now? you'll get the exact same release from therapy minus the life long scars. which you will regret when you can't even wear a wedding dress all because of some fad you thought was cool in your teenage years. im not having a dig, but everywhere I look its I cut he cuts she cuts we cut, whats the part im missing here?

    and please dont say pain release, talking to close family has the same effect, its basic problem sharing, offloading the weight on other people so things in ones life becomes managable. so tell me, why is so cool to be a self harmer right now.

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    Doug I think I know wherre you coming from, as you had someone close going through this, and I think Doug's point here is, well maybe not but just as a fact that I know him well, you would be hurting the ones who love you, not only harming yourself. And obviously your "he" is careless enough about you not to do a thing, he understands ? waw...I am touched !

    Forget about men, it's not understanding him that matters, but you realizing that he doesn't care. Take care of yourself...:/

  • Silent Girl
    11 years ago

    I used to cut my but friend knows about it and he told me not to cut so i stopped their are people who care about you i'm here if you ever need a friend to talk to :)

  • Liquid Grace
    11 years ago

    Seeing someone harm themselves is a disturbing thing to witness. Even if it's re-opening the past pain you inflicted on your self. A person can tell you their ok with it until they're faced with see what is your reality, they can't truly gauge how it will make them feel.

    Not everyone is ok with this and at times watching someone inflict pain on themselves is perhaps just as painful as the person self harming. It can damage a person and make them feel very helpless like nothing they say or do can snap you out of a very very serious problem.

    My advice? Please seek counceling asap. Dealing with stress, anger or depression by hurting yourself will not help you in the long run. When people cut it shows they lack the ability to deal with problems in a healthy productive manner, it's almost as bad as running from your problems. Face your problems on head first, life will only get harder as you get older. Learning the appropriate and proper coping skills as a teen will not only save your body from the scars but also help you function as an adult. Please note that this habit of self harm will cause many to pull away from you because they'll get fed up that nothing they do or how they support you helps you kick the habit. They'll pull away because they're scared and when people pull away you will feel even lonelier making you probably cut more. It's a vicious cycle that you and only you can stop.

  • Crimson
    11 years ago

    Its not a trend at all don't worry i cant talk to my parents or anyone my parents think a broken or a failure anyway and if i go guidance at school they will tell my parents and i just could cos its to hard to explain i don't now why i cut to many reasons maybe but see i think i cut because I'm homesick I'm not good enough for my parents cos i don't no what else to do this might be hard understand for some people i get that its just my life is so fake i need some pain to show me whats real when i told my best friend cos everybody nos he cuts i told and he laughed he thought i was joking he said na no way your way to happy and stuff i barely ever smile at home its like theres to of me it started with a mask but now its like a costume i don't expect anyone to understand i just

  • Liquid Grace
    11 years ago

    These are all the things a teenager says. So I think you'd be surprised at how some could understand where you come from. However, again only you can help yourself. When you stop making excuses for why you can't get help, you'll finally realize those excuses were holding you back from actually being happy.

    Parents well I don't know yours but I do know the pressure of having to live up to expectations. Sooner or later you'll grow out of trying to impress them and learn to love yourself and your achievements. When I got older I realized that I actually had skewed the situation. My parents wanted me to be the best that I could be, me I was to involved with my own 'emotions' that I really didn't realize that their pushing was tough love. I felt it helped me as I became an adult. When we don't seek the best for ourselves soemtimes our parents have to do it for us. Mind you the methods aren't always the best but the intentions are true.

    You can't let anyone hold you back in life. You can't use other people as an excuse for what you do or why. Only you can change things. Only you can stop being fake and learn to be happy. Only you can seek the help you need. This is your life to live and those scars are yours to wear, inflicted by you and no one else. Life is what you make of it, so either be down and fail to see the beauty of it or see that somewhere in this world someone who has it worse still finds the strength to smile, be happy and love themselves.

    I was raised in a very abusive home. I was beaten for playing bad at sports, I understand what it's like to not live up to parents expectations. I think my father was a horrible person for how he tried to make me be better. While the past is hard for me to relive I sought my own happiness, I never cut. Sure I'd be depressed from time to time. But I did have various life reminders that life could be worse for me.

    May I ask that you look into volunteering somewhere? I found that volunteering with mentally and physically disabled kids and adults gave me a great reminder of what I had to be happy for.

    You could look to volunteer at a terminally ill ward in the hospital, homeless shelter, battered women shelter, mentally and physically challenged individuals. I really really think this could open your eyes to how happy you should be with the very basics of life that you do have.

  • Crimson
    11 years ago

    See everybody says that, that im in the same situtation as everybody else but some how i dont think so maybe i am holding myself back but its just i guess you guys cant understand because you dont no me i wish i could volunteer but i live in the middle of nowhere and i wouldnt be able to my parents wouldnt let me..

  • Xionide
    11 years ago

    The problem with you young today, you don't have any motivation to try, half of you think your depressed or whatever teenage reason you give on a regular basis, but truth be told none of you really know what it's like, trust me you'd do more than this silly "cutting" thing. when something like depression grabs you, you have two choices, break it, or let it break you, when you've overdosed and buggered up organs inside from coming up just short, then id say okay, maybe they have a reason for wanting pain release. but you young now days its ridiculous, they broke up with me, I need to cut, families dont listen, they scream at me, its life, we get on with it then do it all over again, no one said it'll be all daisies and roses.

    Rant over.

  • Crimson
    11 years ago

    Ok now i need a rant
    ok im sorry if this sounds rude and everything but i dont think you understand things have change bulling doesnt stop when you get home i get bullied from my parents and alot of kids are text bullied cyber bullied alot more people are depressed now days i mean yes i understand that cutting could be seen as just terrible but i have nothing else in a way to i mean you say just get help but i CAN'T im sorry its just im a bit of a special one and people dont get me its just not something many people understand