Is Organized Religion Wrong?

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Is organized religion wrong(invalid)?

    post your opinions. after a sufficiently long list of individual opinions, or a long enough time lapse ill present you guys with a surprise, stay tuned for it.

  • Michael D Nalley
    11 years ago

    After an intense study of the religions and divisions and ism's from my sources one may be tempted to conclude that organized religion is as much of an oxymoron as civil war or western civilization. The bible heroes seemed no less tribal than what secular history reflects . The human race competes to standardize truth and I like to perceive collective spirituality in the same sense as my own, that is a work in progress with set backs.

  • Kevin
    11 years ago

    I think organized religion was an important step in our development as a species. Sort of like when scientists don't know what the mystery element is in an equation so they just called it "X" because they know something is there and they want to get on with the experiment.

    Religion was an easy explanation when we didn't know how the world worked or how we got here. Now, in the last 5 years especially with the rise of new atheism we're seeing just how much of the "X" we've filled in. I think organized religion has become a habit now, and not something we need to understand the world or each other.

    I think religions the world over have a lot of things wrong, most notably their various creation myths, a lot of their moral ideas and the notion that we should give up our will to a higher power. That said, I adore devotional singing and poetry and churches are beaitiful, as is faith in a pure and loving form. We can have all that without the organized bit!

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Insightful, both of you.

    the surprise was that this is a test to see how active this website is, normally, i feel like somethin as religion-based as this would have blown up...

    good to see both of you guys though, good to know youre still kicking eachother over matters of spiritualism

  • Michael D Nalley
    11 years ago

    It was in the following thread I met Kevin several years ago

    It was well under way before It Itty asked me to join I guess because Mark Spencer and I were among the few that posted poems often under Faith&Religion

    This Forum has become so slow it will take months for this thread to drift off into cyberspace.

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    I wonder if theres a good way to bring anyone back, or new people in

  • Colm
    11 years ago

    Organised Religion itself isn't wrong. Organised Religion just does wrong things sometimes.

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Ope theres another one! but hes a mod so i dont think he counts...

  • Michael D Nalley
    11 years ago

    There is something about this site a lot of people liked and I believe Janis had help because of his admitted lack of English skills

    I have seen many people go out kicking and screaming

    I don't believe we can blame the lack of discussion on anyone that is moderating now but I dare not rekindle the flames of the past heated discussions lest I risk being burned at a metaphorical stake

  • TSI25
    11 years ago

    Thats all part of the fun michael

  • Exostosis
    11 years ago

    Religion, not a problem. Followers, are.