Poet of the Fortnight #5: Alex Penuelas (July 12 - July 26)

  • silvershoes
    6 years ago

    Alex has been randomly selected as our fifth Poet of the Fortnight (PotF)! Alex Penuelas is a 22 year old "kid" (self-named) from California who joined PnQ earlier this year. Please welcome him to his own special thread, and be sure to read his latest poem posted just below.

    Latest poem:
    Beware the Snake in the Grass

    He's the kind of person
    who would play the victim
    of the crimes that he himself
    Has committed.

    He is the kind of person
    Who would act innocent and hurt
    When in reality he's nothing more
    Than a snake in the grass.

    He'll say he's your best friend
    and then talk shit about you
    Behind your back.

    Never confess you innermost
    Desires to such a person,
    For he will use all of those secrets
    Against you at the perfect opportunity.

    Alex, please fill out this public survey when you find time. You can pass any question/prompt in this thread, just write "Pass." I will ask 10 questions total throughout the next 2 weeks, and members of the community are encouraged to participate by asking questions of their own. Here's the survey:

    Real name:
    Meaning behind your PnQ name:
    Birth place:
    Languages spoken:
    When you discovered PnQ and why you joined:
    Favorite poet(s):
    Book you are currently reading:
    Song you last listened to:
    Inspirations for writing:
    5 truths about yourself:

  • Alex Penuelas replied to silvershoes
    6 years ago

    Hey there everybody!

    I am Alex Penuelas. I decided to go about using my name, as it gives the poems a face to recognize. Plus, I wish for these poems to be an extension of myself and the thoughts that harbor inside the recesses of my mind, and I hope that you all may find something within them that resonate with you, one way or another.

    I was born and raised in Los Angeles for my entire life. I have moved around from place to place, from major metropolitan area to suburbs, but in all of this moving I have never left the city that I call home.

    I am fluent in both English and Spanish [although I really need to work on speaking/writing/reading Spanish a lot more than I am currently, as there's an entire plethora of Spanish literature that I am missing out on [I hear that 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez reads a lot better in Spanish than it does in the English translation].

    I have discovered PnQ thanks to the lovely BlueJay, who thought that it would be a good idea to get me on this site so that I can write poems. Now, I personally haven't written a poem since freshman year in high school, and I have long since lost my desire to write poetry. I first jokingly accepted, not thinking that any of my poems would get any traction here. But, somehow, she sparked the poetry bug back into life, and now I've been writing at least one poem weekly ever since. So, thank you, BlueJay

    Of course, BlueJay is my favorite poet, as she inspired me to do this in the first place. But I also love the poems of Ben Pickard, mossgirl19, Ren, and Em. I have yet to meet all of you, as I barely am getting my feet wet, but I am interested in getting to know you all :)

    I currently finished reading Neil Degrasse Tyson's recent book, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, a book dedicated to compiling the latest information in the field of astrophysics into a nicely condensed 250 pg novel. It is, currently, one of my favorite science books that I have ever read, and I learned so much from such a small book (hence why I also primarily focus on astronomy and space in my poems (so I'm an Astro Poet of sorts..?)). Right now, I am reading Tell the World, a compilation of teen poems written in Writers Corp [BlueJay I know you're gonna love this one].

    The last song I listened to was Ave Maria by Luciano Pavarotti [yes, I know it's strange, but I love listening to operas at night. It helps me go to sleep (even though I often cry whenever I hear Pavarotti's majestic voice)].

    I am inspired by the events that occur in my life, the topics I learn in school, and certain topics that I love to discuss about [religion, life itself, relationships, getting into humorous situations, etc.]

    1. I never had a smartphone until the end of junior year in high school. I always thought that they were perfect at wasting time and not getting anything done beforehand [even though 2010 me would probably not like 2017 me, but hey, lots of stuff happens in 7 years].
    2. I am addicted to video games, in particular anything Pokemon related [although I sadly do not have a 3DS to play the latest games :(], but I also LOVE to play Crash Bandicoot [even though I suck horribly at it].
    3. I love to ride my skateboard, especially around the beaches close to my home.
    4. I have an unhealthy hobby of getting into debates with people online, especially ones regarding religious beliefs [I don't know why I'm like this. It may be that I thrive in heated environments, especially those created when religion is brought up?]
    5. I absolutely positively love going to museums, zoos, and observatories. If you take me to one, I will love you forever.

  • pmmurphy
    6 years ago

    If you were me, how would you break up with a significant other?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to pmmurphy
    6 years ago

    Well, that honestly depends on the situation that you have currently with your significant other.

    The best way I would go about it is to break it to them gently [this is in the best case scenario that you guys are on good terms and are not breaking up over major fights]. Maybe go get a coffee with them or something. Be respectful of their thoughts about the situation and all that. But ultimately express to them that you are no longer interested in being in a romantic relationship with them, and that you hope that they have a happy and joyous life, and [if applicable] if they need you, they know where to find you.

    I personally wanna end my relationship on good terms. If you guys work better as friends, great! If not, well, that's how the cookie crumbles I suppose.

  • mossgirl19
    6 years ago

    Hi Alex, wow, I like that you answer each question comprehensively. And thank you for mentioning me and my girlfriends Cowgirl Ren and Duchess Em. :-)

    Pavarotti to sleep at night. My, I think I would love that too.

    Do you have a favorite poem? Could be from Pnq or outside. What is about this poem that you love it so much?

  • BlueJay
    6 years ago

    So even though I know you, I feel like I don't really know the poet you as well as I should lol, and I have a lot of lovely questions for you. Stop being scared, I know you're getting scared - don't do that, I am taking the first hour of my precious day to write this out for you lol and you should feel so honored that blush actually reaches your goddang cheeks! (Deal with it!)

    1) of your poems, which is your favorite and why?
    2) If you could go to any museum in the world for inspiration (for poetry AND art) which would it be, why, and would you take any one(s) with you? (Deal with the poor grammar I just woke up and haven't even had coffee yet.)
    3) Do you have a writing process, and if so would you mind sharing it?
    4) Have you ever gotten any advice that was so incredibly earth shattering that you'd like to share it with the rest of us and save our measly little lives from the greatest despair ever? :P
    5) While writing do you prefer pen, pencil, typing or what? Why?
    6) Have you ever been driving or somewhere that you just had absolutely no way to write but a fantastic or strong idea hit?
    7) If I hadn't of dragged your butt here, do you think you'd still be influenced to write as much (honestly I'm just insanely curious).
    8) If any of your scientists could write out actual poetry who would you want to see a poem from most and on what sort of topic?
    8b) do you believe their poem would be form or freeverse?
    8c) Would they read it/perform it or just simply get the words out in black and white?
    9) What's your favorite day of the week?
    10) Has poetry saved your life yet?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to mossgirl19
    6 years ago

    My favorite poem is Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. It's a beautiful poem about how one should live their life.
    I mean... just read it!


    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible without surrender
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
    they are vexations to the spirit.
    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain and bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs;
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals;
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.
    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love;
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
    it is as perennial as the grass.
    Take kindly the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.
    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.
    Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952."

  • Em
    6 years ago

    Aww I feel honoured to be mentioned (it doesn't happen often) *blushes*

    1) Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

    2) Where does your main inspiration come from?

    3) What other than poetry do you do in your spare time?

    4) Do you have a poet or maybe just a poet that stuck in your mind on here or otherwise?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Em
    6 years ago

    1. I see myself in a position in which I can help out a lot more people than I am currently. I do run an organization that does help out the homeless in the greater Los Angeles area, and we are now in the works of expanding to hit more parts of LA.

    2. My main inspiration comes from scientists, thinkers, and artists. Namely those who have or are leaving a positive impact on the community at large. I am most grateful for the science enthusiasts like Carl Sagan and Steve Irwin, who have given me so much joy in learning new things about nature and the cosmos.

    3. I love to play video games, ride my skateboard, and visit museums. Right now I'm trying to learn how to play my guitar.

    4. See my initial response to silvershoes.

  • Alex Penuelas replied to BlueJay
    6 years ago

    Well yeah, you are making me blush, so there's that lol. But I shall answer these questions you have for me.

    1. Well, every poem is my favorite lol. However, the one I love the most is the Celestial Ball one, the very first poem I created in years.
    2. Well, there are multiple museums that do come to mind. The Huntington Library in Pasadena has a huge collection of books, paintings, and sculptures, as well as the aesthetically pleasing gardens located conveniently outside. They have some of the first drafts of Shakespeare there which I would love to go to see. The Getty Villa also has multiple art collections, with a heavy emphasis on Greco Roman art, which I also would love to go to. Of course, if I'm gonna go, I will take you with me :p
    3. I do not necessarily have a fixated writing process. I often have sudden bursts of inspiration that I immediately jot down, then edit them as time goes by. Or, since most of my poetry is prose, I initially start writing my poetry as such, then I edit it into a poem format.
    4. This is what I got from a talk that Neil deGrasse Tyson had with Larry King:
    "I fear living a life where I could have accomplished something and I didn't. That's what I fear. You know what I want on my tombstone? A quote from Horace Mann:
    'Be ashamed to die, until you have scored some victory for humanity'".
    5. I prefer writing with a pen/pencil, as it feels more personal for me to place the writing device on paper and transfer my ideas from brain to paper.
    6. All the time, and that is precisely when I get my greatest ideas. Like literally the other day I was driving and I had the greatest idea to write a poem [which, of course, is something I wanna run by you first before I post it lol].
    7. I have always been interested in writing things, and my main emphasis previously was to just focus on writing nonfictional pieces. I completely forgot about my poetry bug, and I'm pretty sure I would not have done so had you not have dragged my butt here.
    8. I would love it if Neil deGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins would write poems about astrophysics and biology, as both of those fields are not just insanely interesting to learn about, but they also have so many aspects of them that can very well be deemed poetic.
    8b. Can you please elaborate on what you mean? Lol I'm not used to the vernacular that defines poetry.
    8c. I wish that they would be performed, as it is fascinating to see firsthand the content that the poems are discussing.
    9. The days that I hang out with the people I care about the most.
    10. It has given me better focus on how I can effectively express my thoughts without coming off as a conglomerate mess [like that that you're used to whenever you see me lol]

  • mossgirl19 replied to Alex Penuelas
    6 years ago

    It's a beautiful poem!

    What about a favorite Spanish poem? Or a favorite poem by a Spanish poet?

    Do you like Spanish poetry? In your opinion, what makes it stand-out from the poetry of other languages?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to mossgirl19
    6 years ago

    My favorite one is this one written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:
    "Si alguien llama a tu puerta una mañana
    sonora de palomas y campanas
    y aún crees en el dolor y en la poesía

    Si aún la vida es verdad y el verso existe.
    Si alguien llama a tu puerta y estás triste,
    abre, que es el amor, amiga mía."

    I love Spanish poetry (especially the romantic ones) because there's a million ways to say that I love you.

  • ddavidd
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I wanted to asks "what is poetry to you?"
    and saw you answered it so glamorously already: a million ways to say I love you.

  • Ben Pickard
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Hi Alex,
    I have to admit that I spend much of my time ruining music for myself because I'm forever marvelling at how trite the lyrics are in far too many songs. Sometimes it seems they must have tried fairly hard to put such awful words to music. Anyway, my question to you is, what song/songs, if any, have you listened to and thought 'that's poetic'.

  • Alex Penuelas replied to ddavidd
    6 years ago

    Yes haha

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Ben Pickard
    6 years ago

    Bohemian Rhapsody always comes to mind for me.

  • Britt
    6 years ago

    What is your favorite color? :)

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Britt
    6 years ago

    I don't have a necessary type of favorite color.
    It really depends.
    More often than not it is black, but I also love red, purple, blue, green, burgundy, and brown.

  • BlueJay replied to Alex Penuelas
    6 years ago

    Every single time I see him he is either wearing purple or red with black... lots of black. Subconsciously his favorite colors maybe?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to BlueJay
    6 years ago

    Yep. Burgundy is one of my favorites to wear.
    (But hey. The last time you saw me I was wearing teal)

  • Britt
    6 years ago

    What is your favorite pair of shoes and why??

    (I know, super random)

    Do you listen to any podcasts? Any favorites?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Britt
    6 years ago

    I like Vans.

    And I do listen to a couple podcasts, namely StarTalk Radio and Freeligion podcast (I'm friends with the guy who hosts that one)

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Ben Pickard
    6 years ago

    But on another note, this is one of my favorite songs recently:


  • Em
    6 years ago

    If you could choose any super power what would it be and why?

  • Ben Pickard replied to Alex Penuelas
    6 years ago

    Great song, Alex. I hadn't heard of them but I'll have a look at some more of their stuff.

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Em
    6 years ago

    Good question.
    Probably flight because I'm lazy lol

  • mossgirl19 replied to Alex Penuelas
    6 years ago

    You answered fantastically, Alex! I love romantic poems as well. :-)

  • Alex Penuelas replied to mossgirl19
    6 years ago

    Thank you :)

  • Em
    6 years ago

    1) If there was 1 place in the world you could go where would it be?

    2) if there was 1 time in the past you could go back to where would it be? (Doesn't have to be in your lifetime)

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Em
    6 years ago

    1. Probably Italy. Mostly for the food.
    2. Well here's the thing. In many places that I would wish to go to, I'd be rotally plucked due to the stigmas against people with the ethnic background such as myself. But if I had to choose, ancient Rome (before the library of Alexandria fell), so that I can save the books.

  • Liz
    6 years ago

    What kind of video games do you like?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Liz
    6 years ago

    Mostly adventure/platformers.
    My favorite games are the Uncharted series, The Last of Us, and Crash Bandicoot.

  • silvershoes
    6 years ago

    Crash Bandicoot!!!! YESSS!!

    Okay, I'm finally here to ask some questions.

    Question #1: Does fate exist? If so, do we have free will?

    Question #2: Where is the line between art and not art?

    Question #3: Is it more important to help yourself, help your family, help your society, or help the world?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to silvershoes
    6 years ago

    1. Good question.
    Yes and no.
    There are many aspects of our life that we cannot control, like where we are born, who we are born to, what socioeconomic status you are found in, what community you are initially raised into, whether or not you're susceptible to any diseases, etc.
    There are a couple of major things in your life that you cannot determine prematurely. However, based on the hand that you're dealt, you can make certain choices throughout your life that determine where you'll end up. And never fail to miss any opportunities that life throws at you!
    2. I honestly don't know. Art of course is in the eye of the beholder. Some people find certain aspects of creation to be art, while others don't.
    3. It depends on how you define things.
    If the world includes yourself, your family, and your society, then do that.
    I'm not one to instill any purpose onto anyone's lives, as I believe that the purpose in life is that which you make of it.

  • Em
    6 years ago

    1/ you win a million dollars - what is the first 3 things you would do with it and why?

    2/ if you could morph into an animal which would it be?

  • Liz
    6 years ago

    I love Crash Bandicoot!!

    If you could have one super power what would it be and why?

  • silvershoes
    6 years ago

    Great answers, Alex. I agree 100% with all 3.

    Question #4: Do you dream in both of the languages that you speak?

    Question #5: Do you think life exists in other parts of the universe? If the U.S. came into contact with this life (with aliens, I'll just say) tomorrow, what do you think would be the outcome?

    Question #6: Should there be limitations on the right to free speech?

  • ddavidd
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    An authentic question, I double it: Should there be limitations on the right to free speech, according to you?

  • Alex Penuelas replied to ddavidd
    6 years ago

    Unless if the speech is designed to:
    1. Cause immediate harm (i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theatre)
    2. Used for libel/slander.
    3. Obscenities (although I'm a bit iffy on this)
    4. Speech that is so far that not even the extreme of people would support it (such as incitement to legitimate violence, especially towards children)
    Free speech is a part of living in a free society. Just because one disagrees with the ideology that their intellectual opponent has, does not mean that they get to police their thoughts. The key to defeating bad ideas is through discussion.

  • Alex Penuelas replied to Liz
    6 years ago

    The ability to manipulate time.
    Why? Cuz I'm lazy and I usually get to work late.