Alex Penuelas

About Alex Penuelas

Just a kid with a lot to say.

Profile of Alex Penuelas

  • Age : 22
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, California
  • Joined : Feb 7, 2017
  • Last Visit : 4 years ago
  • Poems : 287
  • Comments : 87
  • Quotes : 22
  • Posts : 33
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Alex Penuelas

  • The greatest lie you will ever tell yourself,
    is convincing yourself...

  • Force (2) 2

    You cannot force the words out in a poem,
    any more so than you can force someone...

  • I know that you only cry in the safety of your...

  • Smile 1

    'Fake it till you make it' is honestly
    the worse advice one can give...

  • Writer's Block sometimes feels like
    you're stuck in the Sahara...

Latest Quotes By Alex Penuelas

  • Be careful with who you confide your secrets.
    Just because someone knows you better than anybody else, does not mean that they have the best of intentions with that knowledge.

    6 years ago
    0 0
  • The best thing you can ever do in your life is to always maintain a healthy sense of humor. Believe me, it really helps you get through tough times.

    6 years ago
    7 0
  • Just because you raise your voice in a debate to silence your opposition, does not make your position any more valid.

    7 years ago
    3 0

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