We just are collective reality of truth

  • ddavidd
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    What do you think about new Jim Carrey??


  • Hellon replied to ddavidd
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    He's not doing or asking any questions that have not been done before IMHO..just putting a modern day spin on it I guess??

  • ddavidd replied to Hellon
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    In case you're asking if he is the inventor of the idea, the answer is yes and no. No, because that idea existed and practiced among people, dated to some ancient cultures. Yes, because he avidently has handpicked some different prats from some different gardens of knowledge, and his fruit basket is particular to his own personality.
    But chasing your logic, almost nobody asks " any questions that have not been done " and most of thinkers ONLY, put " a modern day spin" ( if even they could) on things.
    Even most of philosopher and great thinkers put "a modern day spin on" things, by saying what was said before, differently, or the best of them, by changing their tune a little here and there. History hardly ever has a new messiah!!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I believe that it is not whether an idea is new when it is stated, but whether it is new to the person hearing it.

    TRUTH (if such even exists absolutely) is existential and universal, but for each person their truth is personal and relative.

    As for Carrey, I have to admit it is hard to take him serious, especially since what he says is in his flippant manner. Does he take himself serious? Probably not, even when he speaks what he believes is true.

    As for Prince Ea? I think he's 70% avarice and 30% showman.

  • ddavidd replied to Larry Chamberlin
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I do not know Prince Ea but the suggested percentage seems about right.

    The connection between the universal and personal is intricate and dynamic. Every personal idea has the potentiality within itself to turn universal, exactly as in the evolution of species does.
    That dynamism is the very cause of evolution, whether in realm of species or in realm of human consciousness.

    Whether Carrey take himself seriously or not, is a very interesting issue, because the very constitution of his new believe, is, not to take oneself seriously. Some antiquarian cultures such as Toltics and Mayas ... were based on reducing and diminishing the ego in order for the warriors to free themselves. Their concept of warrior-ship was predominantly about WARING, against one's EGO, the common and the most vicious foe of mankind. ( according to them)

    The idea certainly is not new for me. I practiced the ... art for a while. I even went to Mexico searching for the guru ( nagual), when I was foolish and young, not knowing, the teachers are always there ( wherever you are) if you're, really, ready for them.

  • Milly Hayward
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I think he's ill either with a life threatening condition or been ill with something that has caused him to rethink his life. People that face an incurable illness or the prospect of a reduced life functionality often change thier perceptions and beliefs. Milly x

  • ddavidd replied to Milly Hayward
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I hope it is not the case, but I see why you think this way.