Sonnet Contest

  • Everlasting
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    So I have a contest for you guys. It’s been a while since I have done one, but reading Ben’s inspired me. This contests consist in you picking one member from this site and writing a sonnet to them or about them or be my guess and surprise me. It can be about anything but include their name/alias in the Sonnet.


    Including their name/alias in the sonnet and the title.

    Title: Mr. Darcy and his gift of Sonnets

    This Christmas time, when winter came around,
    dear Michael saw some snow in P and Q.
    He started then to walk through out its ground
    with joy until he felt a little blue.
    The grounds that used to be so green with life
    where now so white and cold almost with frost
    that Michael gave a step to slip in strife
    to then just freeze in thought so deeply lost.
    He thought how Ben had once re-warmed the fields
    and wonder if he too could do just that
    So then he stood to think what Christmas yields
    while he so slowly just became, guess what?

    Oh yes! Our P and Q's dear Santa Claus.
    Who gifts some comments too without a cause.

    Or including their name in the acrostic form but not necessarily in line by line. Like this:

    Title: More like I borrowed (sonnet/acrostic)

    I lost the pen which had the ink with dreams
    So I then searched for it within my hair
    To my dismay I found one filled with screams
    Oh my! I jumped and put it back in there.
    Like later I begin to search again
    Except this time within another place
    Because my head (it seemed) was full with pain
    Enhancing the yearn for one filled with grace.
    Now after searching for so many weeks
    (' Cause I did search and search without an end )
    Some mighty pen with ink from the antiques
    Persistently allege to be my friend.
    Essentially the pen attached to me,
    Now can you guess whose pen could this one be?

    Private message me your entry. Due date is October 23 midnight. I’ll post them hopefully the next day for voting. You’ll have to choose your top three - top choice 10, then second choice 7, and third 4 points.

    The winner will get a comment from me. And If I have more free time, I’ll write one or two more comments...

    Have fun guys. I look forward to the entries.

    P.s. don’t worry if they are not perfect, just have fun writing them.

  • Everlasting
    6 years ago

    One poem is in!

    For those who may feel intimated by the form, it doesn’t have to be perfect. An attempt counts.

  • silvershoes replied to Everlasting
    6 years ago

    Due date is a very good date. My birthday :)

    Great contest! Thank you for hosting one.

  • Everlasting replied to silvershoes
    6 years ago

    ^Oh Sweet! even better

    your birthday can be used as inspiration for anyone participating :D

    I still have one entry.

  • ddavidd
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    What happened? I was looking forward to read the Sonnets. I've never written one, otherwise your contest always were fun.

  • Everlasting replied to ddavidd
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    The contest is still going on. Due date is October 23, 2017. :]

    i have set the alarm on my phone to remind me, so I won’t forget about this contest.

    Ddavidd, there is always a first time for writing one.


    I still have one entry. But no worries, there’s still time left. Remember, the sonnets don’t have to be perfect, just have fun writing them.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    6 years ago

    Great welcome back since I have been mostly out of touch for the past two weeks.

    Looking forward to reading the entries.

  • Everlasting
    6 years ago

    ^So am I.

    I’ll be posting the entries tomorrow morning. Anyone who would like to participate still have time to pm me their entry.