I walk alone.......

by desiring love   Feb 8, 2008

I walk alone toward the dark restless path of my inner agony and dismay.
Solitary indulging every inch of me.
I walk alone knowing that I'm infected with your love and you are my antidote.
The one and only man who can revive me from this eternal sleep, from this coma of hurt and deceive.

I walk alone no longer you consuming my fate, my heart, my love.
I walk alone with this burdened on my shoulders carrying the whole entire world.
I walk alone conflicting the masses of agony confiding bigger and bigger.
Wondering if suicide will help me forget him.

I walk alone clinging onto each memory penetrated inside my thoughts.
I sit here outraged because I'm still in love with thee enemy.
I sit here wishing to here theses untimely words of love.
I sit here wanting you, wishing you would be once again mine. I sit here reminiscing of us.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jess

    Good job. liked it alot. keep up the good work. 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Loneliness after being with someone is too hard to deal with i can tell that but be aware that you still alive which means you still can (and will for sure) find your other half. the real half who will share true love with you

    good poem, it shows pain and love at the same time

  • 16 years ago

    by Forever Broken

    This was an amzingly inspiring poem. I'm so glad you comented me or else I never would have found it.

    "I sit here outraged because I'm still in love with thee enemy."
    ^^^this line is something that caught my eye. I can tell then u really can relate to the struggle I've been through. Your way f expression through your work is amazing. keep writing. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    Oh wow...I'm sorry you feel that way about someone you don't have anymore...but it's a good poem...and I I'm not sure if you wanted that word in this line

    "I sit here wishing to here theses untimely words of love."

    Isn't "theses" supposed to be "These"? but anyways still a good write lol.

  • 16 years ago

    by Screenager

    It really is beautifully written. Exellent choice of words!