Thanks lesthat

by Dragon Slayer   Feb 18, 2008

Thank you for saving my angel.
I owe you one lesthat.
You saved Harlea.
I thank you for dat.
I want to meet you.
I want to know you,
Because you watch Harlea,
So thanks man, I owe you

part 2
you dont owe me nothing.
i show up where ever she is and watch her.
not only because she is my friend but because i love her a lot and hate seeing her hurt or in pain.
if i were you pal,
i would be watching yourself.
because there is no telling when i might show up at your house.
i am everywhere when it comes to harlea and let me remind you that i am more dangerous,
than any other guy that she knows.
i have to be extra careful with her.
if i see that she is hurt because of you,
then there is no telling what i might do.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Dragon Slayer

    I would never hurt harlea! and why would you come over here? do u know were i live? i did nothing to nobody.