I was live like aimless stranger without lover and without injury and without patrial
I was live day by day don't look to yesterday and don't scare from tomorrow
I was Free don't affined by yore and don't scare from future
days come and days go
then I find my patrial and my love and my injury and i start looking to my future
and vigil night thinking about the day that going and scare from surprising of tomorrow
i stay thinking about you all the days and nights and don't forget you how i can forget my self
you be the sun of my day that give the light to my world and the moon of my night
and after you drive me to paradise of love and make me the king of lover
days come and days go to make me see my death in alive
yes my death that the saddening tense write it to me
no if it was death that it will be lowland from say bye to my heart
it was lowland from see you with other one it was lowland from never seeing you
how much I wish dying but don't see you with other one
how much I wish dying but don't debar from you
how much I wish dying but before your marry day