Comments : My Bravest Man No Longer Alive

  • 16 years ago

    by Wallace

    Great poem, I liked the easy flowing lines you used, it made the poem relaxing and easy to read. The ending was nice but I hought it could have been a little more creative. Good job though. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Darien

    "After all of those terrible you'd heard"
    'things' is missing maybe? Hmm.. threw me off a little.

    "I'm full of pride to know that you,
    Were brave enough to fight."
    I think "I'm proud to know that you" would have worked a lot better.

    The poem was good. The rhyme scheme seemed to work well. There were times it didn't seem to flow well, but the meaningful way you wrote was good. The title was ok.
    I thought "Alive" should be replaced with "Lives" for the title at least. The verse in the poem worked well.

  • 16 years ago

    by silhouette fairy

    Stanza #1 line 3 if i'm not mistaken there should be "things" between "terrible" and "you'd" but other than that nice flow great rhyming (sp) and again nothing seems forced, you're very tallented by means of flow and rhyme (i've not read much of your work so i'm sure there are more things you're tallented at) keep up the great writing.