
by Viola   Mar 27, 2008

Cool spring breeze and the sun caressing both our skin
Your words whispers in my ears I don't quite hear
As I'm mesmerized by your presence dear
Your eyes bathe my skin but I can't seem to look into them
The though that you'd see in mine truths I never dared to speak scares me
Reflections of different thought than what's escaping my mouth
I always though I was afraid of you not loving me but I do believe I've been wrong before
And I do feel, in my eyes, you're as perfect as I ever wanted you to be
Carefully laid out memories of the past, memories I want to remember
And somehow you can always make me laugh with my heart wide open
The days are getting numbered now and we don't have much time, might as well enjoy this
I'm afraid when the time comes for you to leave you'll forget to remember my name
And I know what's to come, I know, but something tells me if I hold on
You won't let go yet either and maybe there's more to read between the lines
So I'll put our winter skin in a jar and seal it tight, put it out of mind
Those days are gone and I'd hate to be stuck with all the snow on my back all year
Lighter air and warm sunny beaches are what I wish to hold close to me
With you by my side I feel more alive than I ever thought I'd be
I am never willing to admit but I need you to keep me here inside your world
Before I run out of reason to live in mine


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