The Day that Will Never Come

by Krayz Lyfe   Mar 31, 2008

My heart longs for a lover
so beautiful and true
wanting to be hers
but does she want me too?

not wanting to be hurt again,
by her again,
no wanting to resurrect the pain,
the suffering,
the tears from their graves again.
but if she were to tell me,
"I love you too."
I would no longer be so blue

I could fight for her,
but should I fight for her,
am I even right for her?
she already has someone to call her own.
I still contemplate of the thing I fear,
the unknown.
I love her that is what I fear,
not that love is a bad thing,
its just so unclear.

her kisses are unknown.
her body heat radiating,
as our bodies are intertwined.
her heartbeat beating,
trying to catch up to mine.
all is unknown.
but what is certain,
is that I long to call her my own.

but she is another's,
so I step back,
and act,
like being friends,
is all my heart needs.
then laying my head down,
to try to sleep,
as I weep,
and dream of the day that will never come...


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  • 16 years ago

    by withlove

    I really like it
    and i can realate so much
    i like the part about her heartbeat trying to catch up to yours its an interesting to look at it
    ive been stuck in a very similar situation for a while thats been messing me up so much except for the fact that im not a guy so mines the other way around but i hope that everything works out for you