Thatz Kewl

by Katryna   May 24, 2004

You know whatz funny? I thought you cared.
Thatz why I didn’t mind it when you stared.
Well, I wuz wrong, I found that out,
Do you now how bad I wanted to shout?
Why would you give me up for a s*ut lk her,
When even your boiz say that I’m prettier?
Know what? Thatz kewl, I’m over it now,
I’m not gonna let this faze me, no way, no how.
You think that you did good, gettin w/ that gurl,
You think you it wuz bad before, she’ll own your world.
She playz her guyz, makez them feel lk sh*t,
I wish you good luck, cuz trust me, you’ll need it.
Hope you two are happy, atleast for a while,
Then all h*ll will brake out and get me to smile.
Know what? This doesn’t bother me no more
Cuz apparently you weren’t good enough cuz you wanted a wh*re.
Well, whatever, I’m over it, itz all threw,
I just want to know, why’d it have to be you?
To bring me to my knees from such an emotional high,
Oh well, thatz kewl, itz tyme to say “goodbye”

~~Yeah, I know, itz dumb. But I got bored, what else can I say?~~


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