Love him

by Emily   Apr 9, 2008

All my life I have wondered what true love is. I searched and searched but was never able to find what I was looking for. I was about ready to give up on love that was until I met you. You came into my life and changed it completely. You made me realize exactly what true love was. It is when he is the first thing you think about when you awake in the morning, the only thing on your mind all day, and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep. When you look into his eyes and can honestly see how much he loves you. It is when he says, "I Love You," and for the first time in your entire life, you believe it. When you think of him and then wonder, "What did I do to deserve him?" It is when no matter how bad things get, he is always there by your side. When you are sad and then see his smile and you can't help but smile back. When he says the sweetest things at the perfect moment and it makes you want to cry. When he kisses you and it takes your breath away. When you can't picture your life without him, and you have no idea how you ever lived before you met him. When you see his picture or hear his voice and you have a smile on your face from ear to ear. When he feels bad and you let him lay his head in your lap and your play with his hair till he falls asleep and then you watch him. When you fall asleep in his arms and you wake up thinking, "This is what I want to do for the rest of my life." Love is when you would do anything in the world for him, even though you may not be interested in it. When you would walk 100 miles just to see him for 5 minutes. When you hate being tickled, but when he does it you don't want him to stop. When he touches you and you can feel the love. Love is when the hardest thing to do is say, "Good-Bye".


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