You're Better Off

by neo   Apr 21, 2008

Those were the last words he spoke. I was promised a fresh start. A new life with a happy future.
That morning I packed up my things. I made a list of everything I needed to do before we left.
When we spoke that morning, he loved me and was certain about spending our Live's together.
That afternoon things were not the same.
He said I was evil. I was not for him. I was just "Better Off" alone.
I told him I had no money just to see if he still loved me. He said he did.
After I got on my ZX-10R and rode like it was my last I started to ache.
I paid my bike off the next day. I wrote a few poems
It still hurts, but in a different way.
I hurt because I allowed another to play with my heart and scramble my mind.
I have earned the bikes, the rotty's, the money in the bank
No one just gave me all I ever wanted. I went out and did it myself
I'm still confused, and still kicking my own butt every second
I will be "BETTER OFF"
He will be.
I don't even care.
Just as long as I am without him


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by elwood

    YOU ARE BETTER OFF. THIS GUY IS A LOSER. You wrote a great poem 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ryley B

    This is a ture and well wirtten poem it is what im in ritgh now with my girlfriend.

  • 16 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    Is this even a poem? because it doesn't seem like it at all..
    sounds like a story..
    you should write it into a story, because it was really very interesting...
    and yes, you are 'better off' so keep reminding yourself

  • 16 years ago

    by Ares

    You're strong as hell! honestly, i wouldn't dream of fighting you. you'd crush me like a bug!

  • 16 years ago

    by she

    All your poems show what a strong woman you are,
    i admire you for this :]
    and yes you are better off