Comments : Eclipse

  • 16 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    "Do not question my faith-"

    ^^You immediately drew me in. I am always curious on peoples beliefs. Plus, this line, to me, when I read it, had so much power and anger and pride in it, that I immediately wanted to keep reading.

    "the one that embedded a detonator
    into your silver, weeping moon,
    all those nightmares
    that were translated into pure madness."

    ^^Chances are, I am going to be completely wrong about most of this poem, but every reader is going to take in something different, right? From this stanza, it spoke to me as though you were speaking of "God" and prayers that were sent to him about something horrible that happened. Whether I am wrong or right, I did love this stanza.

    "Promises fade between bleeding stars,
    the sky's burning, shiny scars
    that testify about the times when we had gods."

    ^^This seemed to me, a remembrance of times when more people believed. When more people had faith in religion, and a higher power.

    ""Some notes never played
    haunt phlegmatic tendencies
    turning the hourglasses,
    ancient remains
    within this digital mechanism"

    ^^This one was a bit confusing for me. I do not understand how something acient can be digital? I'm sure I'm taking that too technically, and there is a deeper meaning to that metaphor. It's just not quite clear to me.

    "Now, when the history merged
    with the world's eclipse,
    do not question my faith."

    ^^To me this sounds like you are saying that when the world ends, you believe what's going to happen. Whether it be heaven, hell, or nothing.

    I like how you repeated the first line. It still had that power, and raw emotion in it.

    5/5 from me. Very powerful.
    Take care.

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Do not question my faith-

    ^^ I love how you started this poem. It really makes people curious about what you're going to say next. Especially since you put that line by itself. It's like ti has a special meaning.

    into your silver, weeping moon,

    ^^ Hmm.. I don't like the word "silver", but I love the word "weeping" here. I don't like the word silver, because I know your vocabulary and I know [know] you could do better than that simple description. Haha. I guess my expectations are just a little higher for your poems than others. It's really not [bad], but I would have just liked to have seen another word.

    that were translated into pure madness.

    ^^ I love how you put "pure" before "madness" it's almost like saying clean madness.. or like innocent madness. So it's contradicting a little. I love it when things contradict because it really makes people think.

    Promises fade between bleeding stars,

    ^^ I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this line. I like how you brought stars into this since you already had the moon. It just connects the poem in a very subtle way.

    the sky's burning, shiny scars

    ^^ Wooow. This line is just pure genius. The imagrey is really amazing in this line. I love it.

    haunt phlegmatic tendencies

    ^^ Haha, there's the vocabulary I know and love. I just had to point that out for some reason. >.>

    ancient remains
    within this digital mechanism.

    ^^ I love these two lines together, because when I think of "digital" I think of new stuff, and the line about it has the word "ancient" so they go together really well in my mind. It's like new and old coming together.

    Now, when the history merged
    with the world's eclipse,
    do not question my faith.

    ^^ Very effective ending. I liked the repetition on the last and first line. It reminds the reader what this whole poem is about.

    Your poems never cease to amaze me.

    Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Excellent write... the imagery is wonderful... ok..i had to read it twice to grasp the meaning but some parts are still confusing...

    the starting is brilliant..
    "Do not question my Faith "...
    I like it..

    "Promises fade between bleeding stars,
    the sky's burning, shiny scars
    that testify about the times when we had gods."
    ^^ the imagery is perfect...

    "Promises fade between bleeding stars"

    ^^ this line simple brilliant... I read it appealed to me so much..

    "Some notes never played
    haunt phlegmatic tendencies
    turning the hourglasses,
    ancient remains
    within this digital mechanism."

    ^^ I really appreciate your word choice... great vocabulary...
    but this part was a little confusing to me... I couldnot get the meaning...

    overall it was an excellent read..

    keep writing..

  • 16 years ago

    by Kaila

    I really liked this poem
    It was very jam packed with vocabulary
    and it was an interesting choice for me
    you did an absolute amazing job with this one
    The descriptions for me really made this poem work
    nice job

  • 16 years ago

    by shivali

    Shine with power of amethyst dawns,
    circling with fragrant delusions, embracing
    tales weaved with moonlit needles.

    Bestial thunderstorms shape
    sacrilege- my addiction- of
    inflamed claws which lacerate dreams;

    Detuned communication
    locked frail translations;
    Lanterns burned down
    our concrete clouds.

    these lines struck me more than anything...........

    amazing one!!!!!!!!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Nix

    First of all I really like the title, it is somehow powerful because of it's simplicity.

    -Do not question my faith-

    ^This is truly intense line, it holds very strong message and you opened poem on interesting way.

    -the one that embedded a detonator
    into your silver, weeping moon,
    all those nightmares
    that were translated into pure madness.-

    ^I am honestly fascinated by these lines, I admire your creativity and message is very memorable. I don't think that my interpretation of the meaning of this stanza is correct though, but I love each word of it.

    -Promises fade between bleeding stars,
    the sky's burning, shiny scars
    that testify about the times when we had gods.-

    ^This is interesting, I like the topic. Word -shiny- somehow doesn't feet in my mind, but my personal opinion, I think that you used that adjective because you have deep meaning because that are actually positive reminders but still I think that you could find better word.

    -Some notes never played
    haunt phlegmatic tendencies
    turning the hourglasses,
    ancient remains
    within this digital mechanism.-

    ^amazing, truly amazing stanza. I like the way you said this, you expressed your message on truly effective way.

    -Now, when the history merged
    with the world's eclipse,
    do not question my faith. -

    ^And this ending stanza is simply fantastic, truly impressionable. I like how you ended the poem and you made great connection between core of whole piece, start and the title. Truly clever and powerful write.

    I admire your descriptions through the whole poem. Bravo, I really enjoyed in this piece.

  • 15 years ago

    by Lovely

    I loved it. Like other members have commented about the first line getting their attention, i can agree. It really drew me in and i became interested in reading the rest. Very well written..... so descriptive