What i miss

by robertblake   May 6, 2008

I see the sun raise every mooring
sleep is not a friend of mind
anymore i work my fingers to the bone
minutes go bye they seem like years to me
the only thing i pray for the most is just to see my Lil girls
but Ur mom won't let me
and it hurts so much
what i miss the most is Ur sweet Lil smiles
when the both of you would smile at me
my heart wood melt all they had to do was just hug me
and everything bad in my life would just disappear
I'm a dad cry out to god in every way just bless me that one wish to hold them once again and never let go not for minute
you to girls can heal this broken heart of mind
i will keep on praying i will never stop i will keep on living and i will never let go
what i miss the most i know you two love your dad i love you to my the stars always shine your way my god bless you each and everyday i hope my dreams never stop it's the only thing i got. are day will soon come true
p.s daddy loves you two
by Edward RR.


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  • 16 years ago

    by robertblake

    Damn dude thats deep
    from k_booy

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