Comments : Not about me

  • 20 years ago

    by paddy

    well lexi hun,
    what can i say but fantastic who ever this person is his a lucky guy to have a girl like you hold on to him,
    you'r a fantastic writer who writes beautiful poetry,
    you'r poems are magnificent and extreamly well put togather,
    i hope one day i'll see you'r name on a book it certainly wouldn't surprise me,
    i hope you and me can become mates as we share a great passion for poetry and i'm always keen to learn new tecnics on how to write and it seems you have a lot to teach
    i gave you a 5 of course

  • 19 years ago

    by Natalie84

    And another good poem. Gees I can't find one I don't like. Even the little tiny short ones are good.