Comments : A Soilder

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "He soldiers life is not for all"

    Shouldn't he be a?

    "Remember the next time that you are driving by
    And see the flag flying proud and high"
    That somewhere out there a soldier stands
    Weary and cold in a foreign land"

    Like how you say this, definetly makes me think about all the soliders out there, makes me really care for them. Love how you wrote this, surely from the heart and gives out a very good message to all. We must remember all that they do for us. Nice write, enjoyed reading this. Please keep writing and take care!

  • 15 years ago

    by Pixxie Rebel

    I really liked this.
    As much as I hate war, I always seem to love poems/songs about soldiers, and while this one seemed really familiar to me in parts (maybe a lot of poems use the same kind of lines), this one was slightly more original than the rest when you actually said we should remember the soldiers.

    Well done. It was written really well too, which is nice to see.