Poet on the Piano

About Poet on the Piano

and if i suddenly disappear, someday soon,
please remember the times i was brave.


current favorite album:
"clancy" by twenty one pilots

current comfort/nostalgic album:
"ghost stories" by coldplay

Profile of Poet on the Piano

  • Age : 29
  • Gender : Unspecified
  • Country : USA
  • Joined : Oct 7, 2007
  • Last Visit : 3 days ago
  • Poems : 2150
  • Comments : 4250
  • Quotes : 154
  • Posts : 7470
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Poet on the Piano

  • The anger keeps me alive every single time.
    It's all part of the cycle...

  • I never want this to end,
    this feeling of being invincible...

  • it's an odd sensation
    to wonder if we've ever met...

  • go to bed
    go to bed...

  • Are words enough to remember me by?
    I wish I had more to give you...

Latest Quotes By Poet on the Piano

  • Were you ever real?
    I ask myself this after a night of too much vodka.
    I can make myself believe anything at this point.
    You existed for someone else.
    You were never meant for me.

    2 weeks ago
    2 0
  • could i have prevented you
    from walking away?
    could i have been better?
    more responsive?
    more agreeable?
    more happy?

    4 months ago
    1 0
  • I just needed you to believe in me
    For one moment more
    For one hour more
    For one lifetime more.

    4 months ago
    0 0

Favorite Poems