What if...

by Emma!!!   May 29, 2004

It was a beautiful valentines day,
Full of love but where was my love,
I had no boy of my own,
I just sat there upset that I didn't have that special person,
Everyone I knew had there boy,
I wished I was better with getting my own boyfriend,
I had no one that would take me out,
All the boys see me as a friend not a girlfriend,
I want a person to talk to,
And even long walks on a beach,
But no this is just not a lucky day for me,
So I just sat there and dreamt that my Mr. Right walk past me,
But it was just couples in love going past until one caught my eye,
But then I looked and saw he was too good to be true,
Then he came over and said alone on valentines I bet you have your lucky someone just coming but you turned up early,
I said back I am not waiting for anyone,
But you are here alone I bet you have every girl fancy you,
But then I realised he just went without another word I was sad because I didn't get to tell him that I liked him know he has gone I wonder what if I had said would he still be hear.


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