Comments : Washing The World Away.

  • 15 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    Slowly but steadily,
    It is slowly diminishing each day.
    `Repetition of "slowly" takes away from the meaning of the word, and the effectiveness. And you use it again in the next stanza. Thesaurus time! :) I always find that I need one of those. It helps create a broader vocabulary in your pieces.

    Before long it will be worse, it will turn into a depression.

    Do you really want to go back into a depression?
    `"Depression" ... Repetition.

    The world is falling apart,
    We sit here everyday looking at the mess,
    `Same thing with "falling apart" -- but aside from that note, I love these two lines and the ones before, because you may have pointed out the bigger issues that affect the world altogether, but these words also describe life itself. We watch these friendships, families, relationships fall apart but we don't do anything about the mess. We just stare at it and cry -- we whine, but we do NOTHiNG.

    So overall, it wasn't your best. You start out rhyming, and go out free styling. The flow is pretty good in the beginning, but it starts to run later on in the piece. It didn't seem creative enough. Like you've pointed out the problems, and you've repeated that we have to stand up and do something ... Now what?

    There seems to be something missing. I can't pinpoint what it is, but it's just ... lacking to me. It was okay. Some things stand out, but most of it is just ... there. You're telling again, and not showing -- only in this piece, it can't pull itself together like your other works have done .

    Read over it, and edit it some. I've read better from you, though this one wasn't too shabby.

  • 15 years ago

    by kate

    I liked the thought in this, really its good but Mindyy does have a point sweetie. You do get the point across saying that how our world is "falling apart" and saying we do need to do something about it, yes i agree we should but but what happens after? what is that something? you know., but i do like the thought about this, its really good.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I really believe in the power of poetry I Love your theme and the rhyme deliverd a very powerful message

    I like it. The inconvenient truth could be beautiful if we do something
    I don't beieve I could do better
    great work

  • 15 years ago

    by The Angel of Secrets

    I really agree with Michael D Nalley, I think this was beatiful.

    Thank you for the comment on "The Road to Heaven"

    The Angel of Secrets

  • 15 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    I like the message of your poem truly but it seemed to lack orginality sorry, i do not mean to insult you, but i did like it^^.

  • 15 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    I truly agree with the message you want to send through your write... It is a burning issue.. and most people are so passive to it...
    we are actually suffereing due to rising oil prices.. because of it prices on evrything has risen...

    "We are all slowly falling back into a recession,
    Before long it will be worse, it will turn into a depression."

    ^^ very true... these are brilliant lines with a meaning attached...

    I wont suggest anything except some slight modification in flow and stucture...

    good work...
    keep writing..

    Yes...our world is realy falling apart...

  • 15 years ago

    by profenglish

    Very nice poem
