Before Tomorrow Comes

by Romancing the Darker Side   Jun 26, 2008

Before tomorrow comes,
Let's pretend this never happened.
That we'll show up tomorrow,
Unbroken, unchained.

Before tomorrow comes,
Let's pretend I'll still see you,
Standing in my life.
Let's pretend we'll all still be here.

Before tomorrow comes,
Let's pretend we might just make it.
And assume that we're still together,
Although time has broken us apart.

Before tomorrow comes,
Let's patch up our fights,
Say our final goodbyes,
And dry all of our tears.

Before tomorrow comes,
Lean in for one last hug,
One more memory remembered,
Before tomorrow comes.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Mya

    Sorry lol I pres send by mistake, but all I was going 2 say was that it was sorta like William Shakespeare but without the thou and shalt, etc. lol It was good 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Mya

    I liked this. It had a certain jazz 2 it. Like very

  • 16 years ago

    by JUSTiNA

    This is sad! But Its beautifully written.
    It is clear that you are very talented.
    Great job.
    Continue writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by kate

    Amazing poem. I really liked this one and i graduated last year [2007] and this was well writen and very sad in a way, we don't want memories to leave us and we honestly don't want to leave anyone behind but thats life we all end it once we are done and graduated., but you have a point here, why don't we all be best friends before the year is run out, before our lives change in a moment, but it never does., does it.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

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