Comments : Special songs

  • 15 years ago

    by Jim McMillen the man within

    Grant my friend That was too cool I loved it!
    I could here them playing in my head as I read them 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by gracey grey

    If one comes up with stuff as wonderful as this poem here, well all I can say is be bored more often..........very nice.........and its cool cuz you mixed all genre ......atleast some......:] And may I just add music does make the world go round.

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    What a great theme for a poem, well known song titles.

    You have skilfully and successfully incorporated these titles into a meaningful poem about a great love now lost. I was smiling throughout and imagining the tunes in my head.

    Well done


  • 15 years ago

    by Goodbye

    Wow. Clever and funny. I will check out the songs I don't know yet. Could you add in the all the singer/band of the song so people like me could find them easier?

    Rhyming as nice... I felt that kind of happy mood Saturdays...

    Funny how you can get a poem by mixing titles.. This inspires me to write a poem using all the other titles of my poem. *smiles*

  • 15 years ago

    by Shellaine shelli

    This was just way to cool!!
    It was so cleverly written.
    You're a genius =)
    I wrote a poem long ago using names
    of bands like nirvana, darkest hour, haste the day
    mindless self indulgence and a whole lot of others but it was a pretty dark poem and n o where near to being as awesome as this.
    this was a totally rocking piece =)...
    ...literally, lol.
    Great job, I hope to see more
    of this type of poem.
    It was a very enjoyable and fun read.
    You deserve way over 5!!