Rain Rain Go Away

by Rachael   Jul 2, 2008

Not the Original title, but it seemed to fit better. I wrote this around 2 years ago when I was going through a little bit of a dark time...

She sat in her room with the windows open; the warm sound of a rainstorm invaded the small space. Music, sad and slow, sounded off the once blank white walls. The crash of thunder and the cackle of lightening could be heard in the distance. Bright flashes lit up the dark room.

She sat on her bed in the middle of the room, her knees drawn up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Softly humming to herself, she sat like that for hours. Her fingers black from the ink she had used to write on the walls.

Her dark brown hair fell over her shoulders. Her face was obscured as she lay her head in her arms. Small sobs could be heard from her shivering form as she sat in her dark room.

Soft footsteps made their way across the carpeted floor. She didn't move as she felt the bed dip down with weight.

Warm arms wrapped themselves around her and a warm chest was pressed against her back. She stilled her sobs and tensed.

The body behind her provided her with warmth as she got ready to jump to her feet and run.

A warm, smooth tenor voice reached her ears before she moved. "It's okay." Barely more than a whisper, but she heard it.

She closed her eyes to fight the tears fast approaching. She reached up to wipe her eyes, but a hand caught her wrist. "It's alright." The voice whispered again.

She let out a heart-wrenching sob and turned to the body behind her. Her eyes locked with bright green ones, darkened with sorrow and concern.

Another sob escaped her and she flung herself into his embrace. She cried on his chest as he rubbed her back in soothing circles.

He cooed things in her ear as she cried. "I know...It's alright, everything's alright...it's okay."

She gripped his shirt for support as her body shook with sobs and cries. All he could do was hold her as she cried.

Eventually, her sobs died down and she relaxed against him. He continued to rub her back as she gently fell asleep on his chest.

Leaning back, he pulled her pillows up so he could rest comfortably with her still in his arms.

Outside the thunder boomed, rattling the windows, with the force. The rain started to fall heavier and the sound joined with the music in a strange rhythm. He sighed, looking down at the figure in his arms; he unconsciously hugged her closer.

His eyes trailed along the walls, reading what she had written and seeing what she had drawn.

He looked down again "My beautiful sad angel." His eyes looked outside at the storm. "What storm is raging inside of you?"He asked, expecting no answer. For now, he would hold her through the storm, and wait until she saw the sun again...


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