Sky, sky

by JusTxXxLiezZz   Jul 11, 2008

Sky, sky
Oh! how do you stay in place,
With so much hurt and abuse in the world

Sky, sky
Oh! how do you stay in place
With people bursting bombs
Killing innocent people
For their own selfish satisfaction
And for their own revenge that seems pointless
And whatever they leave behind is nothing but mourning relatives

Sky, sky
Oh! how do you stay in place
When the ozone layer is breaking
Because of too much pollution
With ultra violent rays only giving more and more cancer

Sky, sky
How do you dear to stay in place
With many youths dropping into drugs
Because of lack of parental guidance
Lack of love and support
Dropping into depression
Thinking that their only relief is drugs
When it's not!!

Sky, sky
where do you find your inspirations to stay in place
When mothers are suffering around the world
Oh, dear sky where do you find strength
When you know that famine is quickly spreading am ounce lands
Where humor and free spirited people are rarely found
Often found people are only grumpy people!

Child of mine
My strength and my inspiration
Lies simply beneath love, faith and hope
It's what holds me together
And keeps they planets in orbit
for all the good people that trust in those 3 things overshadow all the bad


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