Comments : A Unique Pair [Reversed Triquatrain]

  • 15 years ago

    by Sole

    Overall, a well structured poem. I hadn't thought of using this rhyme scheme, and it looks difficult to follow so great job!
    I think the rhyming was slightly off in a few places, have and half and so on. However, it doesn't seem to do to much damage to the final piece. As I read it I noticed the flow could be made better by switching round some words, in the very first line,

    'You are the best friend I could have ever asked for'

    Could be better as

    'You are the best friend I could ever have asked for'

    Though, perhaps it's because I'm English :)

    Nice poem, good write, I enjoyed reading it.

    Sole x

  • 15 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Awww this is a sweet friendship poem.. it reminds me of my best friend.. i liked this one .. but i didnt like the style you chose. it just made it difficult for me and i didnt like how it rhymed and then in some places it didnt. it was just confusing.i dont know if that was because of the style or just because you chose it to be that way. but other than that i thought it was an okay not going to downvote it because i didnt like the style. so im still giving it a 5/5 because i think your wording and the concept was beautiful. :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Excellent poem. It was everything I'd wish to hear about a friendship. The person is always there for the other, they make you happy and brighten your day, they listen to you no matter what, ect. ect. You nailed this one.. definatly. Some parts you worded very uniquely, I thought. The flow was good, and was easy to follow along with. Great write. 5/5.

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Very well written reversed triquatrain to express real feelings so eloquently
    sweet content well thought out

  • 15 years ago

    by S R P

    I can't seem to stop with just one of your poems. I particularly liked the style you used in this one- I don't get to see this too often, especially so elegantly written. The topic of the poem is also one that many of us can relate to. Overall, it was a great poem.