Comments : Helpless

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Wow. This poem like almost brought me to tears. It was very sad. I had goosebumps. You did a excellent job describing how you felt that night that you had to go see him in the hospital and pass away right before your eyes basically. This poem was good I thought.. the rhyme was good and the flow was smooth. I think it was pretty good.. :) Sorry to hear if this is for real, because just writing about this must have been very hard. 5/5. (:

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Wow, this is really touching. What makes this so great is you wrote from your heart, and you described all the emotion and sadness you were feeling. This was really enjoyable to read, it was very heartfelt. Good work!

  • 16 years ago

    by Bugg

    Aw, that was really sad. :( I lost my boyfriend and this is how I felt after I lost him. I'm sorry if this really happened. It was really emotional and heartbreaking. Now, for the poem - I thought the flow was super and the rhyming was awesome. It definitely deserves a 5.