This Is For You

by Amazed By You   Jul 19, 2008

This is a poem for you
Whoever you are
Whoever it is that's in my heart
If I let you have the key to my heart
To all my dreams, hopes and fears
Can you promise that you'll never hurt me
That whatever I tell you, you'll never use against me
That whatever we do together will stay between us
That whatever we share will be ours alone
That whatever we see will be in our minds only
If I tell you something, or even everything
Do you promise not to laugh
If I tell you what I'm thinking
Do you promise to tell me what your thinking back
If I say I love you
Do you promise to always say I love you too
If I tell you when I'm scared
Do you promise to always comfort me
To be my security blanket
And tell me when your scared
If I cry
Do you promise to wipe my tears away
Promise that you'll do everything you can to make me happy
When I'm sad
If you promise to do all of these things
I promise to do the same for you
I promise to always be there for you
The way you are there for me
If all this happens
And is true
Here is the key to my heart
For only you
To have and to hold


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  • 14 years ago

    by Maquise Paul

    Thats a really enjoyable and neat poems and i like it alot.