Comments : No Matter When

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    First thing I noticed right off the bat is that you need to captiolize your i's. :]

    "Sometimes i kiss you vigorously"
    `Good word choice, vigorously.. good word.

    I didn't really like the repitition quite honestly.. of "sometimes...." but, it was okay I guess.. but I think you could have made it more of your own because in my opinion this poem was like really clique.

    Overall, a sweet love poem. But it was just too clique for me. But definatly well expressed emotions. Good write, 4/5.

  • 15 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    His is so sweet. there is nothing really unique about this piece in poetic aspect - repetition and contrast are pretty common - but it doesn't make the poem itself common, because there is such a strong and beautiful emotion in it. The poem breaths with love, if i can say so. i also love how you organise stanzas. the rhythm is rather simple, like a childish poem, but this is what makes it so sincere i guess. this is a poem every girl would be happy to hear from her boyfriend.
    this is a perfect example of how love can expressed without unneeded decorations.

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This is a really cute poem, but I think you could improve it. It was cliche for me and not enough emotions and feelings. Also, repeating, "sometimes" kind of made the poem less interesting, I just thought the repetition of it wasn't that great there. Otherwise, I love what you were saying here, very sweet, just put more into it, and make it unique.....

    Keep writing, always and forever.....