Lie to Me

by Angelena Branch   Aug 1, 2008

Lie to me about everything
I know that is what you are best at.
Lie to me about what
You are feeling you do it all the time.
Lie to me and make me think
It is all true.
Just lie to me and it
Will make me happy.
Lie to me about it all
So I know what
The truth is again.
Lie to me and kill me
It is what you are best at.
Lie me just do it
I know it is what you do all the time.
So lie to me and tell me how
I will always believe those lies
Lie to me and make me believe
That the truth is lies too
Lie to me and tell me
That I will never be anything
Lie to me about anything
Because I know it is what you want to do.
Lie to me and tell me
Who I truly am
Lie to me and say
I am nothing but a lie


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