Comments : Despair

  • 15 years ago

    by Jim McMillen the man within

    Very good poem Grant, I definately found your familiarity of style here which always impresses me but I have to say I did find a few statements I would never have expected.
    Anyway My friend an exelent poem with a positive ending to make it even better 5/5,Jim

  • 15 years ago

    by Shellaine shelli

    Hey Grant, WOW that poem was unbelievable. Your words were so haunting and kept me captivated whilst reading. This is a very tragic poem and i honestly hope that things will get better for you"may the road always rise to meet you" you really have got so much talent in writing and must be sure to never let it go 2 waste. This piece was so powerful and gave me such a painful image of your life. I think that anyone who reads this will agree with me that this piece is by far 1 of your best as it is so powerful, personal and honest!!! Great Job!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid


    It is so tragic to know that couples can make eachotheres lives into a living hell.
    It does feel good to write about it, doesn't it?
    Great poem:)

    Take care,


  • 15 years ago

    by Aryaan

    This poem is good. captivating and interesting! nice to read as you put so much of emotions in to it. very painful as well.

    having said that i want to point out one thing...

    'My wife says she don't love me no more'
    in this line don't you think it should be 'My wife says she doesn't love me no more...' am i wrong?

    another thing... as your poem is full of rhyme so in that perspective....
    'My dreams are filled with blood and fire
    I suddenly awake with tears in my eyes'

    these two lines don't rhyme at all.

    but it's a nominal thing i guess. i hope you wont mind as i said this things. it's just my opinion.

    overall as i said it's really good. strong, painful and gripping! very well penned poem!

  • 15 years ago

    by Crystal Rose Blooming

    This is the most intense poem I have ever read. I must say it has me worried about you however.
    I get the feeling your cup of emotions runeth over on this one.
    Great wording, and flow..Always a pleasure to read your work

  • 15 years ago

    by charles

    Wow! What a strong write! Guess when you go through something like that all the feelings and emotions surround you everywhere. As some of you know, I've been there myself, so I can relate to this on a personal level as well as intellectual. PS Grant, T/Y for all your great contributions!

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Somehow you have managed to echo thoughts that at times have been in my mind and scared me to death.