Nothing Real

by SoUrNameIsTia   Sep 3, 2008

A las they met,
two distend lovers,
sharing what life is given to them,

The boy,
protective and caring,
a heart full of love,
eyes sparkle with stars,
he is only hers.

The girl,
young but sweet,
keeping her love real,
her face spread with smiles,
arms open for him.

"My love" he called her,
"cutie pie" she called him,
a bright hot flame flickered between them,
although not forever.

His sweet part,
turned rancid,
love for her,
flipped sides,
a new monstrosity

Lust was the desire,
their relationship,
lost it's beauty,
he WANTED her,
not a need to be,
controlled like a doll,
she was the dummy,
and fell for the words he spoke.

--All Poems by Tia E


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  • 15 years ago

    by FlyFF

    I know what you mean..........

  • 15 years ago

    by HvN

    Aw i'm sorry... :[

    great poem though! 5/5