Comments : Suspicion

  • 15 years ago

    by Blueleo

    I love this poem. It's so true. Love seems like such a compromise these days. If I were you though, I would never leave a man alone, we are not to be trusted. We're just not built that way, and we're not smart enough to compromise all the time. I'm just kidding, but I'm sure it's just getting harder to stay in love in these times. Unfortunately, it just seems that couples can't talk about it because talking may end up having the wrong consequence. That's the way I feel anyway. Just like you said, "You're either the love of my life, or my biggest mistake".

  • 15 years ago

    by 0oAshleyo0

    I like the fact that it shows your dealing with trust issues, cause lets face it, what girl doesnt?
    great poem!