My love to you.

by Flame   Oct 28, 2008

You're so far away
Separated by stars and mountains
I yearn for your touch
You yearn for my warmth

It feels as if,
I've been shot in the heart and
The bullet still remains inside,
Breaking and scaring me.

Every day I drive,
I think of you and
When you criticized me and

When we argued.
I remember the time
When we got lost and slept in your car,
And didn't talk to each other once.

Every night I cry
Thinking how it's my fault you left
And I will never see you again.
You didn't even say goodbye.

I ran to the bathroom,
Found the pills, and ran back to my room.
I sat on my bed and cried,
For what seemed like hours.

I threw the pills across the room,
And ran outside, never looking back.
I had nowhere to go,
But I didn't care.

I finally stopped running
And found myself at the park.
I wandered to the swings,
And the tears finally stopped.

I stood there remembering,
How we shared our first kiss here,
Then got embarrassed because
My parents walked by and saw us.

I grabbed your hand and
We were both laughing
While we ran into the woods,
To get away from them.

I sat there for there,
For the rest of the night,
Remembering you.
It was the first time I felt happy again.

I didn't cry once,
I didn't think about death again,
I only felt your warmth,
And desire to be near you.

I got up and began walking back.
When suddenly I saw you,
You were running towards me,
I stood shocked.

When you reached me,
I was crying again and so were you.
You pulled me close and said
I love you and kissed me.


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