Comments : With Her, I Can See (Song)

  • 15 years ago

    by The Prince

    Do you have music for this aswell? I think this would make for an excellent song. It's really poetic but it maintains that songlike simplicity which gives it a catchy edge. I particularly liked the last two verses. Excellent, I enjoy reading your lyrics. :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is like one of those song lyric that we hear that we know could stand alone without the music, but the universal language of the music is still highly appreciated. As I know you still appreciated having known such beauty in a concrete sense. This poem is a heart song that transcends even abstract emotion to the point we know that the subject did with acceptance of thing we can’t change. All who had the honor of direct communication with the angel you write about can appreciate the sentiment and deeper meaning of this masterpiece.

    Thanks for sharing

  • 15 years ago

    by kate

    A lovely song. I love how you don't want the burning image to die off, because thats all you have of this person. and no one never wants that kinda thing [memory] to die with in them and i personally i don't think it will ever die. I wish I knew the beat of this song though but other than that, amazing job.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

  • 15 years ago

    by Rolo

    The first time I read this, I overlooked the fact that it's a song. After I realized it was, I read it again and enjoyed it much more. I think it's a very heartfelt elaboration of love and all the emotions that go along with it. I really like the love story theme, but am also grateful that it isn't the cliche type that gets old.

    I definitely appreciate your word choice and the whole structure of this piece. Nicely done. 5/5.


  • 15 years ago

    by umbra

    Reading this poem makes me want to swoon and dance alike. I like your ability to bring sadness and joy to bear at the same time. I've always believed a truly great piece of work should make you smile and want to cry before you finish it. I hope you continue to pour your creativity into such wonderful works! 5/5.

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    What a sad love song. It is so unfair to lose one we hold close to our heart. It would be neat to hear this to music. Nice job on this Joe.