Comments : The Ice Queen

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a chilling piece. Befitting the title.

    Bodies of her naive victims lay frozen by the wayside,
    their obscene laughable love for her denied.
    She waits for the next unsuspecting fool to arrive,
    knowing all to well that only she will survive.

    This I'm sure will remind many readers of somenoe they have come across in their lifetime. Great imagery.

    Cold blooded and heartless, lonely and longing for
    the one, her Ice King, whom she can abhor.
    Wicked and unforgiving, plotting his fate before he appears,
    for she will always be the Ice Queen, alone with no more tears.

    Wow what a stanza. Reminds me of an estranged sister-in-law...who still lays in wait for my brother.
    Great job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Ice queens....

    They come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they care only about themselves.
    On this site I have met a few too and the one thing that gave their nature away every time was their total disinterest in others. They never ask you how you are, but just start to ramble about whatever it is they want attention for, be it their beauty, their talent or an's always about them and never about you...and in the end they just dump you like a piece of trash when you have outlived your purpose.

    May they rot in hell.

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Cute icon by the way. ;]

    Now to the poem..

    "Ice queen, a charming, cold, frigid, icy stare,
    you can see that she does not pretend to care."
    `I love your word choice, very very descriptive.. vivid.. and a great alliteration in your first line as well.. "charming, cold".. well done.. lots of imagery here. :]

    "When she speaks, the air is saturated by crystalline ice,
    whispered words that are not always nice."
    `I loove this! However, youve used ice at least 3 ways in some shape or form in the first few lines though.. it doesnt bother me TOO much, but maybe a synoymn would be a better idea..?

    "Nothing can melt the heart of this quixotic queen,
    her exotic beauty fixed in time, a temptress unseen."
    `Rhyming is amazing, and your word choice is great.. everything is flowing together great!!

    "If you wish, venture into her inviting, enticing arms
    to be overcome by clever calculating charms."
    `Woow, this is very good Sylvia. :]
    "clever calculating charms" - well done!

    "Bodies of her naive victims lay frozen by the wayside,
    their obscene laughable love for her denied.
    She waits for the next unsuspecting fool to arrive,
    knowing all to well that only she will survive."
    `What a sad poem.. yet youre doing an amazing job.. I love this idea of a "Ice Queen".. really original and makes this topic more interesting. :]

    "Cold blooded and heartless, lonely and longing for
    the one, her Ice King, whom she can abhor.
    Wicked and unforgiving, plotting his fate before he appears,
    for she will always be the Ice Queen, alone with no more tears."
    `This poem really is well penned and throughougly [sp?] written.. I really loved your imagination and thoughts in this piece.

    Well done.. thank you for sharing.


  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Wow, this can be interpreted a couple different ways. Good word choice.

    I knew a real life ice queen once. Thankfully I never had the displeasure of seeing her in person. That is the nice thing about the internet, you can just ignore the people who have an ice cold heart when their true colors shine through, turn them off and break the ice so to speak.......

    Great job on this thought provoking piece!

  • 15 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    This is an awesome write dear.

    Bodies of her naive victims lay frozen by the wayside,
    their obscene laughable love for her denied.
    She waits for the next unsuspecting fool to arrive,
    knowing all to well that only she will survive.

    Spl this stanza stood out for me. Loved the title too...:)

    all the best and take care

  • 15 years ago

    by Countess of Monte Cristo

    Purely a work of genius.

  • 15 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    This can be viewed both of which
    is nature and the other is human nature. I
    could see her image so clearly..excellent write.