Wuts suppose to b

by Elisha Moore   Mar 19, 2009

I never been the quiter,
never been that type of gurl,
so when i put my all into something,
dont understand if it doesnt work,
i take pride n all that i try,
and to my eyes i succeed in wut i do,
just may not be how others hoped,
but to me my lifes a success,
except one thing my down fall,
why did i give my heart,
only to have it fall apart,
how really did we lose,
you were supose to b there,
not us just let luv loose,
how can you tell me u dont luv me,
u no thats a damn lie,
why do u think we continue to fite,
u dont argue w those u dont care,
you left me feeling so much despair,
i guess ill never c or understand,
cuz u told me u loved me as u held my hand,
i dont get it i really dont,
confused i sit here trying to figure o how or y,
no resolution comes to my mind,
we both been hurtful n did damage,
but if u can too i would so forgive,
i cry myself to sleep at nite,
i miss r happy times and ur smile,
it lit up my life,
didnt realize how much till u was o of site,
i never knew id need u in my life,
wut happend baby i was suppose to b ur ride or die!


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