Comments : Fallacy

  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    I like the way you speak of
    leafy poetry,
    how your tongue starts to tremble
    over the slightest rustle
    of vitality,
    (at least I imagine that it does)

    ^^^What a beautiful opening here, I like how you blend
    nature within this poem.For the 3rd line, i interprete
    it as this person stutters at time when he sees you
    (but i might be wrong)

    have the winds of intrigue
    from calm ponds
    to a more stirring nature

    ^^^Well I'm not sure whther you are just reffering
    this to just nature or using it as a metaphor. But
    I interprete it as, you are trying to take friendship to
    another level(then again i might be wrong)

    I wouldn't know,
    my hair had gone and mussed itself
    whether your fingers swam there
    like pert fish
    or not

    ^^^ Well this is an interesting ending.I like the way
    you used pert fish swimming to describe ur mussed hair
    I can visualize the body of the fish wriggle hence
    trying to messup up ur hair. From my interpretation
    I think what you're trying to say is that, you are still
    clueless as both his words and yours have gone unspoken
    (well i might be wrong)

    Overall I like how you experimented on this poem.Though
    you may have your own interpretation of this poem. It's
    interesting how other readers can come up with a different
    interpreation.I really enjoyed reading it. Keep it up

    Excellent Job

  • 15 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    I like the way you speak of
    leafy poetry,
    how your tongue starts to tremble
    over the slightest rustle
    of vitality

    I really like this verse and the comparison of
    leafy poetry & language. THe mistakes as
    well as stumbling for words just like a leaf..
    beautifully penned!