Comments : When Darkness Returns

  • 15 years ago

    by Melpomene


    I think i've only ever had the pleasure of reading one of your poems before and that was a long time ago. I'm glad I read this piece though it really sparked an interest. I think alot of individuals have been in this place in life, sometimes we just have to break away from darkness as hard as it sounds.

    I felt like I was watching a movie that was created in black and white, strange I know but while reading I saw a beautiful woman looking out of a car window at a darkened sky and when lightning flashes it's like a flash back for the audience seeing past events and recaping.

    I'm not usually a fan of rhyme but for some reason I didn't realize it was rhyme until the end. I was too hooked within this poem to actually hear the rhyme, I heard the words instead and that is what a poem of rhyme should be like. You usually only noticed the rhyme when it seems forced in my opinion.

    I loved the imagery within this poem, it was beautiful yet dark, It drew me in as I felt as though I could of been in this situation at many times of my life. You wrote this with such elegance and even though it was a sad poem it held such beauty. You honestly captured me here. Thanks for writing such a lovely poem. It was heartfelt.
